January 2007
Howdy y’all! I’m back from Texas!
The dream is alive!
Pancake Mountain has new friends in Houston thanks to the Aurora Picture Show! We woke up early on Saturday morning to screen the show at the Aurora Theatre, which used to be a church that was built in 1924.

The screenings were a kind of religious experience!* A few kids jumped out of their pews to the front during the music segments to dance along with the kids on screen, and darted back to their seats until the next song, like clockwork. The energy was thrilling.

I woke up Sunday morning dancing (see video), because I knew the screening could be even better with bands like Deerhoof and The Go!Team ready to rock the former church room.

As soon as Guy hit play at 3 o’clock that afternoon, the rowdiness began! It lasted throughout the entire screening, and I witnessed some killer moves. Kids danced, climbed, and jumped off the stage. It was like a mini-mosh pit were taking place (so what if the stage is one foot high)!

What could be more ideal? For real!!!

Thanks to Andrea Grover, Delicia Harvey, Mark Yzaguirre, Guy Harrison, Carlos Lama, and Anna the amazing intern, for making this happen!

Thanks to the parents who brought their kids to the shows, and allowed for unrestrained fun. The Aurora Picture Show rules!
* The religion could be called nbsidufhaer, and focus on wild expressionism. Does anyone wanna be in it with me? We could form a cult and take over the world…
Pancake Mountain will pave the way
Aurora Picture Show is a non-profit 501(C)(3) art center for film, video, and new media housed in a 1924 church building located in Houston.
Administrative Staff
Andrea Grover
Founding/Executive Director
Guy Harrison
Facility Manager/Volunteer Coordinator
Delicia Harvey
Associate Director
Carlos Lama
A/V Support/Karaoke King